Keep on the sugar free trip!

Are you staying on the sugar free trip?

If not, jump back on-board or join us if this is new to you!! The more you reduce your sugar consumption the better you will feel!!!

I’ve been pulling up some fascinating sugar research that will make a real difference to your lifestyle.

So do you ‘THINK” you are eating “healthy” & doing your best nutrition wise?
Are you finding that you are……. 

a: Not getting the results from your nutrition & fitness plan? 

b: Constantly suffering with niggly medical complaints/issues? 

c: Suffering with niggly injuries? 

d: Finding stress is piling up on you? 

e:Insatiable sweet cravings that become uncontrollable? 

f: Piling on weight? 

Is this you? 

Hidden sugars, sugars you may think are good for you and sweeteners are probably contributing MASSIVELY to all of the above. 

1: Sugar Makes You Fat 

The more you eat, the more you want. 
Eat lots of sugars in any form, or things that turn into sugars very quickly in your body, and you end up dealing with constant cravings for sugary pick-me-ups and end up eating sugary foods all day long. 

If you do that for long enough, you’ll find yourself needing to eat every couple of hours just to feel normal in your mood and energy 

2: It keeps You Fat

Keep over-eating sugar & your pancreas will start overproducing the hormone insulin in an attempt to keep your blood sugars at a safe level.
All that extra insulin will keep your hunger triggered and block your body’s natural ability to release fatty acids to be burned.
Insulin tells your body to turn sugar into fat, to store that fat and to hang onto it for dear life.

3: It’s inflammatory.
Regular sugar consumption can lead to or worsen chronic inflammation in your body.
Chronic inflammation can negatively impact the functioning of your immune system. This is associated with multiple serious diseases, such as diabetes, heart disease, cancer and arthritis.
4:Booze makes you fat.

The sugar in alcohol is absorbed even faster than the sugars in foods.
We get distracted by its ability to relax us, but functionally alcohol is a sugar.
Let me know what you think about sugar and if you think it is impacting your lifestyle.

If you need help smashing the sugar addiction let me know

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